National Seminar - Spain

February 2021

Mediación intrajudicial y buenas prácticas para la ejecución de acuerdos en conflictos de familia transnacionales y en sustracción internacional de menores

University of Alicante Faculty of Philosophy and Language Calle San Vicente del Raspeig 03690 San Vicente del Raspeig Alicante

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Conference Program
(Friday, June 11 1pm CET - Saturday, June 12 2.30 pm CET)

Day 1
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Plenary Session
Bienvenida, presentación de objetivos y Pre-evaluación // Welcome, Goals & Pre-evaluation

03:30 PM

Soledad Ruiz de la Cuesta Fernández
Day 1
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Plenary Session
Conferencias inaugurales y turno abierto de palabra // Inaugural conferences and open speaking session

04:00 PM

Dificultades específicasde la resolución de conflictos familiares con componente transnacional: resolución judicial y mediación
Specific difficulties in the resolution of family conflicts with a cross-border element: judicial resolution and mediation

Francisco Javier Forcada

Magistrado. Jefe de Sección del Servicio de Relaciones Internacionales del Consejo General del Poder Judicial Magistrate.

Magistrate, Head of Section of the International Relations Service of the General Council of the Judiciary


Francisco de Paula Puig Blanes

Magistrado. Juzgado de Primera Instancia Número 7 de Zaragoza

Magistrate, Court of FirstInstance Number 7 of Zaragoza

17.00-17.30pm              ------------------------/Break/-------------------------------------------

Day 1
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Plenary Session
Presentación de Informes y turno abierto de palabra // Presentation of the AMICABLE Best Practice Tool and Discussion

05:30 PM

Exposición de las herramientas jurídicas y de las buenas prácticas recopiladas en materia de reconocimiento y ejecución de acuerdos de mediación en conflictos transnacionales de familia. Parte I (interpretación simultánea EN-ES)

Presentation of the European Best Practice Tool assisting with the enforceability and recognition of mediated agreements - Part I (simultaneous translation EN-ES)

Juliane Hirsch

Mediadora. Consultora en Derecho Internacional Privado y Derecho Internacional de Familia. Experta Líder en “AMICABLE Project”

Mediator; Consultant in Private International Law and International Family Law;  Leading Expert, AMICABLE Project

Dr. Juliane Hirsch
Day 1
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Plenary Session
Presentation of the AMICABLE Best Practice Tool and Discussion

06:00 PM

Herramientas específicas y buenas prácticas en el caso de España para otorgar validez y efectos ejecutivos a los acuerdos de mediación en conflictos transnacionales de familia - Parte I.

Presentation of the Country-Specific EU Best Practice Tool (Spain) assisting with the enforceability and recognition of mediated agreements (Part I)


Mónica Herranz Ballesteros

Profesora de Derecho Internacional Privado, UNED. Experta Nacional para España en “AMICABLE Project”

Professor of Private International Law, UNED. Spanish National Expert Spain, AMICABLE Project

Mónica Herranz
Day 1
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Resolución de casos prácticos: Reconocimiento y ejecución de acuerdos en supuestos de reubicación y contactos transfroterizos // Workshops with Case Scenarios (Relocation), using the Best Practice Tools & Discussion

06:30 PM

Workshop 1, Líder/Leader: Ana Piernas

Abogada alemana y española y mediadora internacional

German and Spanish Lawyer and International Mediator


Workshop 2, Líder/Leader: Emelina Santana

Magistrada de la Seccion 24 bis de laAudiencia Provincial de Madrid, especializada en Familia

Magistrate of Section 24 bis of the Provincial Court of Madrid, specialized in Family Law


Workshop 3, Líder/Leader: Carolina Marín Pedreňo

Abogada. Solícitor en Reino Unido:Bufete Dawson Cornwell, Abogados de Familia

Lawyer; Solicitor United Kingdom:Dawson Cornwell, Family Law Firm


Workshop 4, Líder/Leader: Ana Criado

Abogada. Mediadora. Presidente de AMME –Asociación Madrileña de Mediadores

Lawyer; International Family Mediator; President of AMM–Madrileña Association of Mediators

Puesta en común de los resultados de 19:30 a 20:00 hrs.

Feed-back and Discussion in Plenary from 19.30-20.00.

Day 2
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Plenary Session
Presentation of Reports and Discussion

04:00 PM

Herramientas específicas para el reconocimiento y ejecución de acuerdos de mediación en conflictos transnacionales de familia (II): Sustracción Internacional de Menores

Presentation of the European Best Practice Tool assisting with the enforceability and recognition of mediated agreements (Part II ): International Child Abduction


Juliane Hirsch

Mediadora.Consultora en Derecho Internacional Privado y Derecho Internacional de Familia.Experta Líder en “AMICABLE Project”

Mediator; Consultant in Private International Law and InternationalFamily Law;  Leading Expert, AMICABLEProject


Presentation of the Country-Specific EU Best Practice Tool (Spain) assisting with the enforceability and recognition of mediated agreements (Part II ): International Child Abduction


Mónica Herranz Ballesteros

Profesora de Derecho Internacional Privado,UNED. Experta Nacional para España en “AMICABLE Project”

Professor of Private International Law, UNED. Spanish National ExpertSpain “AMICABLE”

Day 2
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Talleres Resolución de casos prácticos // Workshops with Case Scenarios using the Best Practice Tools & Discussion

05:30 PM

Resolución de casos prácticos: Reconocimiento y ejecución de acuerdos en supuestos de reubicación y de sustracción internacional de menores. Puesta en común de los resultados de 18:30 a 19:00 hrs.

Workshops with Case Scenarios (Child Abduction) using the Best Practice Tools. Feed-back and Discussion in Plenary from 18.30-19.00


Workshop 1, Líder/Leader: Ana Piernas

German and Spanish Lawyer andInternational Mediator


Workshop 2, Líder/Leader: Emelina Santana

Magistrada de la Seccion 24 bis de laAudiencia Provincial de Madrid, especializada en Familia

Magistrate of Section 24 bis of theProvincial Court of Madrid, specialized in Family Law


Workshop 3, Líder/Leader: Carolina Marín Pedreňo

Abogada. Solícitor en Reino Unido:Bufete Dawson Cornwell, Abogados de Familia

Lawyer; Solicitor United Kingdom:Dawson Cornwell,Family Law Firm


Workshop 4, Líder/Leader: Ana Criado

Abogada. Mediadora. Presidente deAMME –Asociación Madrileña de Mediadores

Lawyer; International Family Mediator;President of AMM –Madrileña Association of Mediators

Day 3
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Plenary Session
Presentación del Modelo de Mediación Intrajudicial en Sustracción Internacional de Menores: “The MIC Model” // Presentation of the “Mediation in Court Model” (MiC) in International Child Abduction Cases

04:00 PM

Presentacióndel Modelo de Mediación Intrajudicial en Sustracción Internacional de Menores: “The MIC Model” y una propuesta sobre “Cómoayudar a las partes a  Elegir unasolución de mediación en supuestos de SIM”. Turno abierto de palabra

Presentation of the “Mediation in Court Model” (MiC) in International ChildAbduction  Cases: a proposal on “how tohelp the parties to opt for mediation in child abduction cases”. Discussion.

Sabine Brieger

Alemania, Jueza de Familia y Jueza de enlace para la Red JudicialEuropea y para la Red Internacional de Jueces de la Conferencia de la Haya:Experta Nacional para Alemania en “AMICABLE Project” (Interpretaciónsimultánea EN-ES)

Former Family Judge (Germany) and Network Judge in  the European Judicial Network and in theInternational Hague Network of Judges; National Legal Expert (Germany), AMICABLE (simultaneous translation EN-ES)

Sabine Brieger
Day 3
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Plenary Session
Presentación: “Una propuesta para implantación del Modelo MIC en el procedimiento español de restitución de menores objeto de sustracción internacional” y turno abierto de palabra. // Presentation: “A proposal on how to implement the MiC Model in child abduction proceedings in Spain”

05:00 PM

Presentación:“Una propuesta para implantación del Modelo MIC en el procedimiento español de restitución de menores objeto de sustracción internacional” y turno abierto de palabra.

Presentation: “A proposal on how to implement the MiC Model inchild abduction proceedings in Spain” and Discussion.


Soledad Ruiz de la CuestaFernández

Profesora de Derecho Procesal, UA. Mediadora. Project Manager para España en “AMICABLE Project”

Professor of Procedural Law, UA; Mediator; Project Manager (Spain), AMICABLE



17.30-17.45----------------------------------        /Break/ ---------------------------------------------------

Soledad Ruiz de la Cuesta Fernández
Day 3
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Plenary Session
Mesa redonda y turno abierto de palabra: “Mecanismos institucionales de apoyo a la ejecución de acuerdos de mediación en el espacio de la Unión Europea” // Round table and open speaking session: "Institutional mechanisms to support the execution of mediation agreements in the EU”

05:45 PM

Mesa redonda y turno abierto de palabra: “Mecanismos institucionales de apoyo a la ejecución de acuerdos de mediación en el espacio de la Unión Europea”

Round table and open speaking session: "Institutional mechanisms to support the execution of mediation agreements in the EU”




David Vilas Álvarez

Abogado del Estado. Consejero Coordinador de Asuntos de Justicia en la Representación Permanente de España ante la UE

State Attorney; Coordinating Counselor for Justice Affairs in the Permanent Representation of Spain to the EU

María Illán Medina

Fiscal de la Red de Cooperación Internacional, Audiencia Provincial de Alicante

Prosecutor of the International Cooperation Network, Provincial Court of Alicante

David Vilas, María Ilán, more tba
Day 3
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Plenary Session
Evaluación final // Post-Evaluation

06:45 PM

Day 3
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Plenary Session
Despedida y Clausura // Farewell and Closing

07:00 PM

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F. Javier Forcada

Magistrate. Section Chief of the International Relations Service of the General Council of the Judiciary
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María Ilán

Prosecutor of the International Cooperation Network
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Dr. Juliane Hirsch

Juliane Hirsch - consultant on private international law, family mediator and trainer. Having studied law in Germany and Ireland she specialises in private international law and international family law. She followed a family mediator training in France, where she obtained the French State Diploma for Family Mediation. She had been working for the Hague Conference on Private International Law in the Netherlands for many years as Senior Legal Officer; her fields of work comprised, inter alia, international child abduction, child protection, international family mediation and cross-border recovery of maintenance. Among the larger publications for which she has undertaken principal work during her time at the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference was the “Guide to Good Practice on Mediation” (2012). She is currently involved as external consultant in the work of the Hague Conference’s Experts’ Group on the Recognition and Enforcement of Agreements in Family Matters.
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Sabine Brieger

Judge and Family Judge (ret.) in different courts in Berlin since 1982, now Family Judge in the Court of Pankow/Weißensee in Berlin. She is specialized in international family law and since 2004 in abduction cases (Hague Convention of 1980). Sabine Brieger is a Network Judge in the Hague Network of Judges and in the European Judicial Network. Since 2006 she has also worked as a Mediator in Family affairs.
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Mónica Herranz

MÓNICA HERRANZ BALLESTEROS tenured professor from 2007 of Private International Law, at the Department of Business Law, (Faculty of Law), National Distance University (UNED). PHD in Law in 2002 at the same University. Among her research interests: international family law, international protection of children, procedural international law and European Union law, She has been: Academic Visitor in Oxford University; Academic Visitor in Institut of European and Comparative Law (Oxford Law Faculty); Visiting Fellow in the Institut of European Law (Florence). Visiting Schoolar in: Columbia University, Ottawa University. Visiting Researcher in Institut Suisse de Droit Comparé (Laussane); Visiting Researcher in The Hague Conference of Private International Law (The Hague). Mónica has been designated: Country Expert in the Report of the European Project “The voice of the children in the international child abduction proceedings in Europe”, 2018, and National Expert in the Report of “Cross-border placement of children in the EU”, European Parliament’s Committee on Legal Affaris,2016. She has published numerous books in prestigious academic publishers (ad e.x The best interest of the child in the Hague Conventions of Private International Law, Lex Nova, 2004, p. 348; Forum non conveniens and its adaptation to the European Area, Tirant Lo Blanch, 2011, p. 214). She has published numerous articles in international scientific journals, and book chapters. From 2017 she is and Knowledge Transfer of the National Distance University, Faculty of Law.
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David Vilas

State Attorney. Coordinating Advisor of Justice Affairs in the Permanent Representation of Spain to the EU
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Soledad Ruiz de la Cuesta Fernández

Profra. de Derecho Procesal, UA. Mediadora. Project Manager para España en “AMICABLE Project”
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Carolina Marín Pedreño

Carolina is a Spanish Abogado, who cross-qualified as a Solicitor in 2006. She joined Dawson Cornwell in 2003 having won a second European Commission scholarship and qualified as a European Lawyer in this jurisdiction in 2004. She is known as a “go-to practitioner for cross-border work involving both public and private children cases”.
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Ana Piernas Lopéz

- Nacida y criada en una familia española en Alemania, bilingüe hispano-alemán -Abogada ejerciente desde 2002 como abogada alemana colegiada en Múnich y abogada española colegiada en Madrid -Abogada con despacho propio en Madrid, ejerciendo en el ámbito de derecho internacional privado que incluye derecho de familia internacional - Amplia experiencia en derecho de familia internacional y especialmente llevando asuntos de parejas binacionales en la mayoría de los casos hispano-alemanas -Alta especialización en asuntos de sustracción internacional de menores (Miembro de la Asociación de Abogados de Sustracción Internacional de Menores LEPCA) - Mediadora Internacional en asuntos transfronterizos de familia (Cross-Border Family Mediator) -Formación en Arbitraje Internacional (Instituto de Empresa, Consejo de la Abogacía) -Coordinadora de Parentalidad (ANCOPA) -Mediadora con formación para realizar mediaciones online
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Ana Criado Inchauspe

Mediator since 2005, trained at the Complutense University of Madrid, with honorable mention She conducts mediations privately since 2005 in the following areas: family, international family mediation, intra-judicial and implementation of ADR in organizations. She’s member of six panels of mediators. She has extensive training experience in mediation, disputes resolution, ADR and international family mediation, in prestigious public and private universities throughout Spain, Bar Associations, General Council of the Spanish judicial authority and others State institutions.
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Emelina Santana Páez

• Licenciada en Derecho por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, ingresó en la Carrera Judicial por oposición. Fiscal en excedencia. • En la actualidad, es Magistrada Presidenta de la Sección 24 bis de la Audiencia Provincial de Madrid, especializada en Familia y Capacidad • Asesora de la Dirección General de Relaciones con la Administración de Justicia (Ministerio de Justicia)
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Mediación intrajudicial y buenas prácticas para la ejecución de acuerdos de mediación en
conflictos de familia transnacionales y en sustracción internacional de menores

Mediation in Court Model and EU Best Practice Tools assisting with the cross-border recognition and enforceability of mediation agreements in cross-border family conflicts and in international child abduction cases in the EU


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